IDS.333 | Fall 2021 | Graduate

IDS.333 Risk and Decision Analysis

Lecture Notes

All available lecture notes are provided below:

Unit 1: Introduction

Session 1: Risk and Decision Analysis; Engineering Systems Analysis for Design (PDF)

Unit 2: Forecast Is “Always” Wrong

Session 2: The Forecast Is “Always” Wrong (PDF)

Unit 3: Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)

Session 3: DCF Analysis Introduction and DCF Mechanics (PDF)

Unit 4: Garage Case

Session 4: Garage Case Example

Unit 5: Simulation Mechanics

Session 5: Mechanics of Simulation (PDF)

Unit 6: Excel Template Recitation

Session 6 Excel Template Recitation (not available)

Unit 7: Drivers of Flexibility

Session 7: Drivers of Flexibility (PDF)

Unit 8: Decision Analysis

Session 8: Decision Analysis (PDF)

Unit 9: Value of Information 

Session 9: Information Gathering as a Strategy (PDF)

Unit 10: Utility Analysis and Multidimensional Evaluation

Session 10: Part 1 Evaluating and Choosing Preferred Projects (PDF)

Session 10: Part 2 Economic Evaluation (PDF)

Unit 11: Review and Quiz

Session 11: Investment in Large Plants (PDF)

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2021
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Video Materials
Instructor Insights
Projects with Examples
Media Assignments
Exams with Solutions