14.04 | Fall 2020 | Undergraduate

Intermediate Microeconomic Theory


Problem Sets (30%):

I will assign five problem sets. Problem sets typically include a set of pure theory questions and a set of application questions, often based on readings. Late problem sets will not be accepted. No exceptions. In order to accommodate unanticipated events, illness, or conflicts in your schedule, I will automatically drop the problem set with the lowest score (for example, the one that you don’t hand in). You may collaborate with other students on problem sets, but you must write up all solutions independently and in your own words. If you submit a problem set that is a direct copy of another student’s, this will be considered academic dishonesty and will be dealt with accordingly. If you are stuck on a question, feel free to come to either of the TA’s office hours. We will do our best to point you in the right direction, but we will not fully answer the question for you. This is to ensure that you have adequate opportunity to master the material. After the problem set has been graded and handed back we are happy to go over solutions with you if they are still unclear.

Problem Set 1 (PDF) 

Problem Set 2 (PDF) 

Problem Set 3 (PDF) | Risk Sharing Simulation (xlsx)

Problem Set 4 (PDF) 

Problem Set 5 (PDF)

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2020
Learning Resource Types
Exams with Solutions
Lecture Videos
Problem Sets